Aveti o masina mai veche ? Nu mai aveti bani momentan si doriti sa o vindeti pentru a supravietui pana va redresati? Nu o veti mai face usor, din cauza ca masina o veti vinde mai greu, intrucat trebuie platita de catre cumparator taxa de poluare! Oare cat o fi taxa de poluare pentru o Dacie din 1990 ? :) Si parca legile nu se aplica retroactiv ? Aaa, nu mai conteaza, suntem in Romania, gasesc ei o explicatie juridica voalata, precum ca se poate aplica legea retroactiv sau ca de fapt nu se aplica retroactiv... Pai eu daca am investit ceva bani intr-o masina inscrisa in Romania in 2006 sa zicem, iar acum as vrea sa o vand din cauza ca am nevoie de bani, dar nu mai pot asa usor. De ce? Cand am cumparat-o nu trebuia sa platesc taxa la prima revanzare. Daca stiam acest lucru nu o mai cumparam, nu mai investeam banii in acea masina. Si uite asa incep mai multe procese ale celor nemultumiti, pe buna dreptate, impotriva statului roman...
Si cine a platit taxa
Sa nu mai spunem ca probabil banii incasati din aceasta taxa la prima revanzare in Romania vor depasi cu mult banii restituiti cu pana la maxim 25% pentru cei care au platit mai mult fata de taxa din noul proiect aprobat in aceasta luna.
In plus, va atentionez ca cei care au platit taxa dupa ordonanta mai veche ( adica nu au platit-o dupa ordonanta care o marea cu pana la 30%0, NU VOR PRIMI INAPOI NICI O DIFERENTA, FIINDCA NU EXISTA ACEASTA DIFERENTA. Sa ziceti multumesc romanilor, ca nu mai platiti diferente in plus ! :)
Si parca era vorba ca daca se introduce taxa de "prima revanzare", nu o sa mai plateasca nimeni taxa la "prima inmatriculare" in Romania, deci era posibil sa iti cumperi masina din Uniunea Europeana ( sa zicem din Germania) si sa nu platesti taxa daca nu esti "comerciant " de masini second-hand si esti un cetatean de buna credinta si chiar vrei sa folosesti masina pentru familia ta. Sau s-a uitat de acesta "mica" prevedere in noul text legislativ? Asteptam cu nerabdare sa vedem si noi tabelele si noua ordonta cu textul oficial, cca de declaratii ale guvernantilor pe la posturile de televiziune ne-am cam saturat...
Guvernul a aprobat, miercuri, proiectul de lege privind taxa pentru emisiile poluante provenite de la autovehicule care prevede reducerea taxei de poluare cu până la 25%, a anunţat ministrul Mediului şi Pădurilor, Laszlo Borbely, la briefingul de presă susţinut la Palatul Victoria.
Proiectul de lege prevede că, în cazul în care taxa de poluare plătită după 1 iulie 2008 este mai mare decât cea rezultată din aplicarea acestei legi, contribuabilii să poată depune o cerere prin care să solicite
restituirea sumelor reprezentând diferenţa de taxă plătită. "Cei care după 1 iulie 2008 de când a intrat prima lege în vigoare au plătit mai mult, vor primi înapoi banii care au fost plătiţi suplimentar", a explicat ministrul
Laszlo Borbely.
Potrivit proiectului de lege, care are la bază principiul "poluatorul plăteşte", taxa de poluare va fi plătită, o singură dată, atât pentru autovehiculele noi sau second-hand care sunt înmatriculate pentru prima
dată în România, indiferent dacă autovehiculul este produs în ţară sau străinătate, cât şi pentru autovehiculele înmatriculate înainte de anul 2007 pentru care nu a fost plătită o astfel de taxă.
Pentru autovehiculele înmatriculate înainte de anul 2007, taxa de poluare va fi achitată la momentul primei transcrieri a dreptului de proprietate a autovehiculelor, în cazul înstrăinării acestora, după ce intră în
vigoare această lege.
Totodată, ministrul a menţionat faptul că, prin aceste modificări se are în vedere şi eliminarea sau reducerea numărului de procese aflate pe rolul instanţelor. "Pentru a putea să dăm un răspuns clar Curţii Europene de
Justiţie, care a spus că a fost o discriminare indirectă, adică o perioadă s-au plătit taxe numai pentru o categorie de maşini, nu pentru toate maşinile, am introdus această obligaţie, ca de la data intrării în vigoare a
acestei legi, pentru maşinile care au fost înmatriculate înainte de 1 ianuarie 2007, la prima vânzare, cumpărătorul să plătească taxa de primă înmatriculare", a precizat ministrul.
Potrivit ministrului Laszlo Borbely, în anul 2010 şi-au schimbat proprietarul un număr de cca. 110 mii de autoturisme, care au fost înmatriculate în România înainte de 1 ianuarie 2007 şi care nu au achitat taxa de poluare. Ministrul estimează venituri suplimentare de cca. 331 de milioane de lei pe an, luând în calcul o valoare medie a taxei. De asemenea, ministrul a mai menţionat că valoarea cheltuielilor estimate cu restituirea sumelor reprezentând diferenţa de taxă plătită, va fi de aproximativ 240 de milioane de lei pentru anul 2011, pentru un număr estimat de 56.000 de autovehicule. Ministrul a mai precizat că în anul 2010, valoarea încasată din taxa de poluare a fost de circa 700 de milioane de lei.
Taxa de poluare constituie venit la bugetul Fondului pentru Mediu din care sunt finanţate mai multe programe de mediu printre care şi Programul Rabla. În 2010, au fost scoase din circulaţie 190.000 de autovehicule, iar în 2011 se estimează a fi scoase din circulaţie circa 110-120.000 de autovehicule. "Vor fi peste 300 de mii de maşini care nu mai poluează, mai vechi de 10 ani", a declarat ministrul Laszlo Borbely.
Proiectul de lege aprobat miercuri va fi trimis Parlamentului în procedură de urgenţă, potrivit legii.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Car Accident
1. Benefits of Reading Car Accident Articles
Whether you like it or not accidents do occur and in a world where everyone seems to be on the run all the time, accidents have become daily affair. Every time you open the newspaper or the TV news channels, you will come across the news of some car accident. It is therefore a good move to remain abreast of every possible eventualities and that requires knowledge. Reading car accident articles can provide you with such knowledge highlighting all aspects of the car accident, its consequences, and remedial measures.
2. Learning About What to Expect
Learning about the possible outcome of any car accident can be understood well if you are a regular reader of either in the newspapers, magazines, or is viewing them on the Internet. Car accident could be of different types and may occur due to different reasons. Outcome of the accident will accordingly vary from case to case and the impact could also be different from person to person. All these will be clearly described in quality brought up in the print or electronic media in form of articles.
If you are not in favor of scanning the print or electronic media in search of or any other relating to car accidents, you can go for those pages that specifically provide. Fortunately for the viewers and readers, there are some websites that particularly offer such reports where you can find the number of accidents occurring, their locations, and places that are venues of most major accidents and such other facts that can help you not only averting possible accidents but also help you take follow up actions quickly in case of unfortunate accidents.
4. Injuries Due to Car Accidents
One of the most important aspects of car accidents are personal injuries sustained by people either driving or in the car, people who were not in the car and damages to properties. often result in litigation and legal consequences where damages are to be paid for such injuries or loss of properties. Another important aspect is the insurance coverage. Learning the legal issues related to such accidents would be great advantage and can help the people sustaining injuries to file their claims even without the help of accident injury attorneys or to use the services of the attorneys for optimum results when the use one.
5. About Car Wrecks
In the similar vein, one may like to learn about the wrecks that are result of car accidents and how to deal with them. Once again, gathering valuable experience and knowledge could be possible by reading qualitative where all the aspects of how to deal with the wrecks and what could be the possible consequences and financial impact are all detailed.
6. Car Accident Statistics
If you are thinking that car accidents are occasional mishaps and it may not be worth the trouble of searching and going through so many contents, you are sadly mistaken. These days, due to traffic overflow, car accidents have become regular features and a look at the official will convince you about this.
7. Conclusion
Explaining legal, moral, ethical, financial, and physical aspects of car mishaps, the car accident articles could be great asset for gathering information and knowledge and using them to one’s best advantages.

Car Accident,
3900 Rd, Coffeyville, KS 67337, USA
First Canadian Nissan LEAFs Sold Out within two hours
Over the weekend, Nissan Canada opened the reservation process for the Nissan LEAF, with all Model Year 11 inventory reserved by Canadian consumers within two hours. At noon on Saturday, August 27th, those registered at www.nissan.ca/leaf and living within the vicinity of one of the 27 Nissan LEAF certified dealers, were invited to reserve a Nissan LEAF, bringing them one step closer to having the all-electric car plugged into their home garage.
"Response from Canadians since we first revealed the Nissan LEAF in 2009 has been astounding so we're not surprised that our first inventory of 40 model year '11 cars were snapped up so quickly," said Judy Wheeler, Director of Marketing, Nissan Canada, Inc. "We expect this momentum to continue when we reopen reservations for model year '12 cars in the coming month, so keep your eyes open for more and more Nissan LEAFs driving around Canadians cities soon."
Delivery to the first wave of consumers will begin in September and continue into the fall. Nissan is carefully managing the purchase process from the first step, when consumers sign up on www.nissan.ca/leaf, until the customer drives the Nissan LEAF home and plugs it into a personal charging dock. Through Model Year 12, Nissan expects to release around 600 Nissan Leaf on the Canadian market through several waves of reservations into next year.
Reservations for Model Year 12 Nissan LEAFs will open in the coming months.
Battery Electric Car,
Citroën launches its first diesel hybrid, the Citroën DS5 [video]
The final production version of the new Citroën DS5 will star at the Frankfurt motor show next month, and will usher in the HYbrid4 technology the French firm shares with sister marque Peugeot.
The five-door hatchback is the third model in Citroën's 'premium' DS line, following on from the DS3 and the recently launched DS4.
DS5 is the first Citroën model to feature HYbrid4 diesel hybrid technology, providing enhanced performance and class leading environmental credentials. The advanced HYbrid4 system delivers 200bhp; four-wheel drive capability; emission-free electric power for the city; and an acceleration boost function for the open road - with total CO2 emissions of just 99g/km.
The DS5 is Citroën’s first car to feature a full-hybrid drivetrain combining a two-litre HDi diesel engine with electric power. HYbrid4 technology offers 200bhp, four-wheel drive, electric power and will come with an automatic six-speed gearbox with optimised shift function and a stop/start system.
Co2 emissions are as low as 99g/km depending on which performance setting is used. Like other cars featuring HYbrid4, the DS5 will offer a choice of: 'auto', which automatically switches between the diesel engine and the electric motor to optimise fuel consumption; 'zero emission vehicle', for driving with the 27kW (37bhp) electric motor alone, at speeds of up to 37mph; ‘four wheel drive’, where the front wheels are powered by the diesel engine and the rears by the electric motor and ‘Sport’, which improves the engine response by maximising the use of the electric unit and the diesel.
The car's cockpit, which Citroën says is 'aviation-inspired' is fitted with premium materials including club leather and brushed aluminium.
Technology such as intelligent traction control, a new-generation lane departure warning system; an automatic high-beam function that activates and deactivates depending on light conditions and surrounding traffic and a reverse parking camera is included.
Siemens and Volvo Form Electric-Car Venture
German industrial conglomerate Siemens AG said Wednesday it has agreed with Sweden's Volvo Car Corp. on a strategic cooperation agreement on electric cars.
The focus will be on the joint development of electrical-drive technology, power electronics and charging technology as well as the integration of those systems into Volvo C 30 Electric cars, Munich-based Siemens said in a statement.
It added that the first vehicles will be on the test tracks at the end of this year.
Beginning in late 2012, Volvo will be delivering a test series of up to 200 vehicles to Siemens, which will then be tested as part of an internal Siemens test fleet, the German company said.
Volvo Car Corp. was last year acquired by China's Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co. from Ford Motor Co.
For Siemens, the partnership is another step toward a greener image. Siemens touts itself as a pioneer in electric vehicles, and developed electric trams as early as the end of the 19th century.
Cooperations between companies are increasingly common in the development of environmentally friendly vehicles as a means to share the high entry costs and risks. General Motors Co. and LG Electronics Inc. also recently announced their partnership in the development of electric vehicles.
Battery Electric Car,
Peugeot 2020 HX1 MPV Concept to Debut @ Frankfurt Motor Show
The French car manufacturer Peugeot will officially present an MPV Concept at the Frankfurt Motor Show in September, under the HX1 name and as a 2020 model year.
According to the automaker, the HX1 will be a diesel-electric plug-in hybrid and will come with the most advanced version of Peugeot’s all-wheel drive, while it will take its power from a 2.2 liter HDi unit, delivering 204 BHP and mated to a six-speed automatic transmission sending power to the front wheels, while the 95 BHP electric motor, fed by a lithium-ion battery pack will drive the rear wheels.
The new Peugeot Concept has an amazing fuel economy, burning only 88.2 mpg and emitting just 83g/km, while the 5008 model, with the 1.6 HDi 112 BHP unit, has a combined fuel consumption of 55.4 mpg and 134g/km of CO2 emissions.
French designers haven’t been too inspired while creating this concept and the grille has been seen on the SR1 and HR1 show models, but what catches the eye best are the doors, which open in a scissor style, upwards and outwards, for an easy access to the interior.
Further details about the 2020 HX1 MPV Concept will be revealed at the Peugeot stand at the Frankfurt Motor Show in September.
EV Concept,
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Old Top Gear EV1 Electric [video]
Old Top Gear from 1997 Quentin Willson roadtests the EV1 Electric
This clip was extracted from the episode that was first broadcast on the 24th April 1997
Battery Electric Car,
GM Volt,
Toyota set new EV Lap Record @ Nürburgring [video]
Toyota Motorsport GmbH (TMG) has set a new lap record for an electric vehicle (EV) at the legendary 20.8km Nürburgring Nordschleife circuit in Germany.
The TMG EV P001, with 100% electric powertrain and Jochen Krumbach at the wheel, set a new lap record of 7mins 47.794secs to beat the previous lap record, which stood at 9mins 1.338secs, by a very substantial margin.
Using two electric motors, the TMG electric powertrain has a top speed of 260km/h which combined with 800Nm of torque to achieve impressive speeds on the extremely challenging Nordschleife track, which includes significant elevation changes and lengthy flat-out sections.
TMG's target prior to the 29 August record run was to become the first electric vehicle break the eight-minute barrier and this was achieved comfortably on a day when the notoriously changeable Nürburgring weather stayed fine, although track temperatures were relatively low.
Such performance shows TMG's electric powertrain is ideal to power any future single-make electric motorsport series and TMG will begin commercial sales of this technology in 2012. TMG continues to advance its electric vehicle capability for motorsport applications with in-house development of the electric powertrain and ongoing investigations into alternative chassis solutions.
Pascal Vasselon, TMG's Technical Director, said: "The goals for this project were twofold: obviously we wanted to set a new EV lap record and I am very pleased we could achieve that so comprehensively. On the other hand, we also wanted to learn more about the operation of our electric powertrain in extreme circumstances; in motorsport there is no more extreme circuit than the Nürburgring. On the record lap the TMG EV P001 performed better than in testing due to the improvement we already could make based on that experience. We have enhanced our electric powertrain development thanks to the information our engineers have gained and our future EV products will benefit from this project."
Rob Leupen, TMG's Director Business Operations, said: "This is a very impressive achievement which really shows the huge potential for electric powertrains to deliver fast, exciting action on the race track. There's no doubt that electric motorsport can be every bit as thrilling as traditional racing and it was an amazing sensation to watch the TMG electric vehicle fly past on the Nordschleife, with only the sound of wind rushing past and tyres squealing. To achieve a new lap record at the first attempt, and by such a huge margin, is a great achievement and I am very proud to see TMG's name in the record books. But this is not the end of the story for TMG and I hope we will see our electric powertrains in action on the track again soon."
The new lap record was completed on road-legal tyres, using the complete Nordschleife track. It was verified by independent lap timing.
TMG extends its thanks to its partners in this achievement: Aguti created and implemented the livery concept while rational motion integrated the electric powertrain, traction battery and control strategies. EVO Electric motor technology delivered the power. The TMG EV P001 is based on a Radical chassis as modified by TMG for e-WOLF.
Battery Electric Car,
FIA call for Expressions of Interest for 2013 Electric Racing Series
The Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile is the governing body for world motor sport
and the federation of the world's leading motoring organisations. It is a non‐profit making
association and brings together 228 national motoring and sporting organisations from 132
countries on five continents. Its member clubs represent millions of motorists and their
In the context of an increasing environmental pressure on human activities, motorsport
occupies a particular position of responsibility and has a long tradition of pioneering
technological progress. The FIA holds a unique position to offer a perfect showcase for the
development and the promotion of innovative solutions to ensure that mobility remains
environmentally friendly.
One of the federation's main objectives is to work on the creation of a new high profile
championship, designed to be the flagship of the FIA's sustainable strategy: the FIA Formula
E Championship ("Championship").
The FIA has set itself the target to launch this Championship in 2013. As such the federation
calls for expressions of interest to identify a candidate interested in acting as the official and
exclusive agent of the FIA for the organisation and promotion of the Championship under
the Key Parameters defined in Appendix A, with a view to concluding a three year contract
(2013, 2014 and 2015).
The selection process is open to all candidates capable of conducting such a role for the
organisation and the promotion of this Championship.
Battery Electric Car,
honda civic wallpapers
The Honda Civic is a line of subcompact and subsequently compact cars made and manufactured by Honda. The Civic, along with the Accord and Prelude, comprised Honda's vehicles sold in North America until the 1990s, when the model lineup was expanded. Having gone through several generational changes, the Civic has become larger and more upmarket, and it currently slots between the Fit and Accord.
honda civic
honda civic
Honda Civic
honda civic wallpapers
The Honda Civic is a line of subcompact and subsequently compact cars made and manufactured by Honda. The Civic, along with the Accord and Prelude, comprised Honda's vehicles sold in North America until the 1990s, when the model lineup was expanded. Having gone through several generational changes, the Civic has become larger and more upmarket, and it currently slots between the Fit and Accord.
honda civic
honda civic
honda civic
honda civic
honda civic
Honda Civic
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