Thursday, March 31, 2011

Auto Insurance Coverange

Many auto insurance companies allow the insured to choose a number of these covers in their policy. In most states, you will be required to maintain some of these different types of coverages in at least minimum amounts as is set forth in the laws of those states.Y9HRNY64FD9W

Types of auto insurance coverage
- Which coverage is necessary?
- Coverage selection tips
- Liability and its limits
- Bodily injury liability
- Property damage liability
- Medical benefits
- Collision
- Comprehensive
- Uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage
- Deductibles

Auto Insurance Basics

Auto Insurance Basics
Car insurance is important for car owners not just for obvious reasons such as covering the costs of a car that has been damaged in an accident. Car insurance will also provide protection or coverage to the people that are involved in the accident, your loved ones.

- Why you need car insurance
- How auto insurance works
- Credit score and insurance
- Auto insurance for a leased car

Auto Car Insurance – Overview

Auto Car Insurance is needed both for new car and used car. It gives us protection for auto car ownership. Most of car dealers offer auto car insurance in every cars they sale. In US, you buy with higher price if you don’t cover our car with insurance.

How to Choose

The problem is how to choose the right Auto Car Insurance for you. Insurance is long term business, it’s a commitment business. First you have to do is research about track record of the insurance company. New auto car insurance company usually back up with other related company such as investment or car manufacturer company. You pay insurance at least for 1 year, so the company must be exist for 1 year toward.

Insurance rate

Auto car insurance companies have different rate base on type of insurance we choose. Drivers history may affect the rate of insurance. Find on the net from auto car insurance website, fill the form, and ask for auto insurance quotation. After you get some insurance quote, compare the rate between provider and choose the best rate.

Customer review

After get best rates from several auto car insurance provider, find customer review about that insurance product. Read from article, blog, of forum to find review about insurance quote that you already get. Check about claim procedures, ask about their experience.


You have to consider services of insurance companies. Some of them have good services but others are not. Good insurance company provide total solution for their customer. Emergency roadside assistance is one of services that you put on your list. Some also offer to change car when you get accident and you car must be repaired at workshop.

Auto car insurance will give protection for your valuable asset, make sure you choose the right one and easily claim when your car get accident or stolen.

Chelsea Artist Football Wallpaper

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Frank Lampard Wallpaper
Chelsea football

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Drogba Wallpaper

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Strawhat Mugirawa Pirate Wallpaper

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Appearance One Piece Strong World
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One Piece Wallpaper
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Funny One Piece Wallpaper
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See Split-screen Action 2011 Nissan GTR Vs Corvette ZR1

Nissan GTR Vs Corvette ZR1 Last week we told you about the new times more quickly identify the Nurburgring Nissan GTR, with a video that proves that Godzilla 2012 managed to shave 2.48 seconds from his best lap time. We were under the impression that GTR new best time was probably the best Corvette ZR1, but a side-by-side (or rather a top to bottom) video comparison of two runs to give us definitive answers.

Beyond pitting the car jumps the camera ZR1 (top screen) vs 2012 GTR (bottom screen). Pay attention to the five-minute clip of 6:20, as the vehicle to lose is a good result at this stage of the competition. A fun little race, but you have to hit the jump and look to see the same winner.

AUDI R10 - 2011 MY Marouane Bembli

AUDI R10 - 2011 MY Marouane Bembli
In November 2009, 23yo Swedish industrial design student Marouane Bembli a study of impressive design for a proposed model for halo feels Audi R8 above. With its clean lines, central cockpit and Rolls-Royce Phantom rivaling the proportions, the R10 was a good thing if the proposal is unlikely that a new Audi supercar generation.

Now, two years older and probably a bit 'wiser, Bembli R10 is again addressed to what I call the R10 v2.0. Although the concept of small roof coupe off the body in a central position V10 remains unchanged, Bembli new-for-2011 R10 features more aggressive front-end treatment with a higher rear-view mirrors and windows of the cabin passengers, and adding fighter to inspire half suction.

Veja o comercial do Novo Corolla

A Toyota começou a mosrar hoje, dia 29, o comercial do novo Corolla, que já está sendo exibido na TV. O slogan "Dirigir é Incrível" mudou para "Dirigir ficou Mais Incrível".

Saiba mais sobre o Novo Corolla!

Kia apresenta Soul Flex e Novo Sportage

Em um evento em Itú, a Kia apresntou Soul Flex e nova Sportage
Kia apresentou a Nova Sportage, que chegou em janeiro, e começou a ser comercializada oficialmente hoje
Versão cupê do Cerato (Cerato Koup) chega em maio
E versão hatch do Cerato só chegará no fim de 2011, junto com o sedã Optima, que chega em novembro
A Kia mostrou em um evento, realizado na cidade de Itu, duas importantes novidades para 2011, que devem colocar a marca coreana em condições de brigar mais forte nos segmentos dos crossover monovolume e dos utilitários-esportivos.

A aposta mais ousada, que serviu como divisor de águas da Kia em todo o mundo, é o Soul Flex, à venda desde a ultima semana de dezembro, com preços a partir de R$ 52.900. Além do motor flex, o Soul ganhou câmbio automático com opção de trocas sequenciais, novos mostradores no painel e maçanetas externas. A câmera de ré, opcional, que gera imagens em uma tela LCD de 3,5 polegadas no retrovisor, também é novidade na linha. O motor 1.6 16V com etanol gera 130 cv de potência e foi o pontapé inicial nos modelos flex. Os próximos a "alcoolicos" serão o novo Picanto, previsto para agosto, com motor 1.0 de três cilindros, e o sedã Cerato.

Por falar em Cerato, a Kia afirmou que a versão hatch sofreu um atraso devido ao volume de produção na matriz. O modelo era previsto para chegar no começo deste ano, mas, só deve desembarcar no final de 2011.

A outra novidade apresentada pela montadora foi o SUV Sportage. A nova geração do modelo chega com motor 2.0 16V, que gera 165 cv e vem com novo design, incorporando a identidade visual da marca.

O Sportage está disponível em quatro versões com tração 4x2 e uma com tração integral 4WD. A versão de entrada já conta de série com ar-condicionado, CD com MP3, airbag duplo e direção hidráulica, com preço inicial de R$ 83.900. A versão topo-de-linha acrescenta ar-condicionado digital dual zone, teto solar, espelho retrovisor anti-ofuscamento, airbags laterais e de cortina, além de câmbio automático e controle de estabilidade (ESP).

O sedã Optima, outra novidade da marca, apresentada no Salão de SP, chega só em novembro. O Koup, versão cupê-esportiva do Cerato, só em maio.

BMW announces three two-car teams for 2012 DTM series

Touring car racing fans are eagerly anticipating the return of BMW to the DTM series. The Bavarian automaker last competed in DTM (or its progenitors, anyway) a whopping 18 years ago, but late last year announced it would return to the German touring car series in 2012. Now it has revealed the means to that end.

Rather than field its own entries, BMW will be supplying the vehicles and factory support for three independent teams: BMW Team RBM, BMW Team Schnitzer and Reinhold Motorsport GmbH. Both RBM and Schnitzer have a longstanding relationship with BMW Motorsport, while Reinhold is a completely new outfit. Each of the teams will be fielding two of the new M3 DTMs that are currently under development.

The move to DTM comes on the back of some big shakeups in BMW’s racing program. Although it pulled out of Formula One two years ago, and eliminated its works World Touring Car Championship effort at the end of last year, it has recently pitched the Mini division into the WRC with Prodrive and launched the DTM program to pick up where it left off in the WTCC.

[Source: BMW Motorsport]


BMW Motorsport presents the teams for its DTM project.

BMW Motorsport heralds a new era on its way entering the DTM. Development of the car has been running at full speed in Munich for some months now, as has the central preparation for the logistics and assembly of the race cars. Three teams, each lining up with two BMW M3 DTM cars, will be responsible for the races themselves.

BMW Motorsport has enjoyed great success in production car racing in the past with both BMW Team RBM and BMW Team Schnitzer, and all those involved are hungry for more of the same. In Reinhold Motorsport GmbH they are joined by a new team still in its fledgling stage, but which boasts individual members with a vast wealth of motorsport experience.

Mario Theissen, BMW Motorsport Director, says: “In recent months we have worked very intensely on the DTM project. The agreement with the teams was of paramount importance. We were pleased with the high level of interest and numerous applications and presentations received from a number of professional teams. The concepts presented by BMW Team RBM, BMW Team Schnitzer and Reinhold Motorsport GmbH ultimately convinced us. This is an excellent team line-up for BMW. For us, it is important that all three teams have absolute equal rights. We are looking forward to cooperating over the coming years – and hope to enjoy great success together.”

Bart Mampaey, Team Manager of BMW Team RBM, says: “The DTM is one of the toughest and the most popular racing series in the world for production cars. From a sporting point of view this poses a great challenge – but an appetizing one. We are honoured to be able to continue our successful cooperation with BMW Motorsport, which has yielded many WTCC titles, in the DTM. We still have a lot of work ahead of us over the coming months, and are now looking forward to getting to grips with the project.”

Stefan Reinhold, founder of Reinhold Motorsport GmbH, says: “In April last year, BMW announced its intention to compete in the DTM. From this day on, we have always wanted to be a part of this project. Shortly after the announcement, we presented our concept to BMW in Munich, and started to work on meeting the prerequisites for any potential cooperation. We are very proud to have been given the nod. To be part of the BMW Motorsport family with immediate effect and to strive for DTM success together is simply fantastic. We can hardly wait to get started and to vindicate the huge amount of trust BMW has placed in us.”

Charly Lamm, Team Manager of BMW Team Schnitzer, adds: “We are really looking forward to tackling the DTM project together with BMW. Schnitzer Motorsport has enjoyed a successful past in the DTM and achieved many victories together with BMW. However, past success is no guarantee that we will also be victorious in the future. The bar is set really high in DTM, and our preparations will be intensive to meet this challenge. Every team is highly motivated and the anticipation is mounting every day as we get closer to the start of the 2012 DTM season.”

BMW Team Schnitzer will run two BMW M3 GT cars for BMW Motorsport at the major endurance races in Europe and Asia. BMW Team RBM is involved in BMW customer racing projects, including the development of the BMW 320 TC and the further development of the BMW Z4 GT3.

Mario Theissen says: “While the preparation for this year’s involvement on the endurance racing circuit with the BMW M3 GT is in its final phase, the DTM project has picked up pace over the past few months. In naming the teams, we have taken the next step. As well as developing the car, it is now a matter of assigning tasks and establishing structures and processes. The cooperation between BMW Motorsport and the teams, as well as that between the team bases and the race track, must be well established. Only then will we make a statement regarding the driving line-up.”

BMW Team RBM in profile.

In 2012, BMW Team RBM will compete in the DTM with three world championship titles to its name. Under the leadership of Team Manager Bart Mampaey, the team from Mechelen, Belgium, not only won the 2004 European Touring Car Championship with Andy Priaulx at the wheel, but also proved to be the team to beat in the World Championship…
BMW Team RBM in profile.

In 2005, 2006 and 2007 the celebrations after the final WTCC race in Macau all took place in front of the RBM garage. Bart Mampaey is now looking forward to the DTM. “Competing in the DTM will be a big challenge for our team,” he says. “We are delighted that BMW is putting its faith in us again. We will use the time leading up to the first race to prepare as well as possible. The whole team is extremely motivated and hungry to get on with the development work. It is fantastic to be on board right from the start when a manufacturer like BMW launches this kind of project. We have a lot of hard work ahead of us, as the standards in the DTM are extremely high.”

Efficiency is an important factor in daily work for BMW Team RBM. Mampaey is constantly striving to use time and resources efficiently, in order to extract the full potential of the car. The team profits from the infrastructure of the BMW dealership, which the Mampaey family manages under the name JUMA. Synergies and allows RBM to concentrate on the basics: the performance on the race track.

JUMA stands for Julian Mampaey. Today’s RBM boss inherited his love of motor sport from his father. The JUMA team made a name for itself in the 1970s and 1980s, claiming three overall victories for BMW at the Spa-Francorchamps 24-hour race. Nine years after the final JUMA race, Bart Mampaey stepped into his father’s footsteps in 1995. At first, RBM was responsible for the cars in the BMW Compact Cup in Belgium. Soon after that, the Mampaey family celebrated a successful comeback at Spa: the Group N one-two in the 1997 24-hour race was followed by overall victory with the BMW 318i one year later. This was also the last overall victory for BMW to date at the “Ardennes Rollercoaster”.

RBM sent a BMW 320i to the European Touring Car Championship for BMW Belgium for the first time in 2002. One year later the team appeared for the first time in the colours of BMW Great Britain, and Priaulx was signed up to drive. After a year gaining experience in 2003, RBM caused a sensation in 2004 when Priaulx claimed the ETCC title in Dubai. Three World Championship titles show categorically that this victory was not a flash in the pan for Mampaey and his crew.

“A change of scenery will do us good, particularly when we have the prospect of lining up in a successful series like the DTM,” Mampaey says. “Having won three World Championship titles, everyone in the team is looking forward to seeing how we fair against the other teams in the DTM.”

Back to the future.

Back to the future: this could be the motto of BMW Team Schnitzer for the 2012 DTM season. Charly Lamm’s team sported BMW colours in this series back in the 1980s and 1990s – and with great success. A Schnitzer driver crossed the finish line in first place in a BMW M3 on 17 occasions, and the team also claimed eight pole positions and set 18 fastest laps.

BMW Team Schnitzer’s greatest success in the DTM came in its very first season, when Roberto Ravaglia won the 1989 drivers’ title for the team from Freilassing. BMW Team Schnitzer will make its DTM comeback in 2012, almost 20 years after its last victory in Hockenheim on 11th October 1992.

“We lined up with the BMW M3 in the DTM for the first time in 1989, and were able to win the title with Roberto Ravaglia at the first attempt,” Lamm recalls. “The four seasons up to 1992 were a great time, with spectacular and thrilling races, which will always have a special place in the history of Schnitzer. Even back then, the DTM was extremely popular in Germany. It is now almost 20 years since our last DTM race. We are well aware that the series has changed dramatically. The level of competition is extremely high and the series has a far more international flavour to it. As a result, rookies like us face a huge challenge. However, we will approach the task in hand with great verve.”

During the break from the DTM, the Schnitzer team continued to line up for BMW, adding many new chapters to the brand’s motorsport success story. In 1999 it claimed overall victory at the legendary Le Mans 24 Hours (FR) with the BMW V12 LMR prototype. In 2001, BMW Team Schnitzer won the drivers’, team and manufacturers’ titles in the American Le Mans Series (ALMS) with the BMW M3 GTR.

The team also has a very special relationship with the legendary 24-hour race at the Nürburgring-Nordschleife (DE). BMW Team Schnitzer finished as overall winner in the “Green Hell” in 1989, 1990, 2004, 2005 and 2010, making it one of the most successful teams in the history of this classic race. Schnitzer also enjoyed success after success in the European Touring Car Championship between 2002 and 2004, as well as the World Touring Car Championship between 2005 and 2009. The team’s drivers crossed the finish line as winners on 45 occasions in the European and World Championships.

In the last 50 years, Schnitzer has won 16 championships with BMW – including the 1987 World Touring Car Championship, three European Touring Car Championships, and championships in Germany, England, Italy, Japan and South East Asia.

Lamm adds: “We will attempt to readapt to the DTM as quickly as possible. We have great respect for the current manufacturers and teams in the DTM. They have set the bar very high. From now on we will be working on equalling, or even surpassing, the standards they have set as soon as possible.”

“Our greatest asset is definitely the people in our team”.

Stefan Reinhold’s team, which will line up at BMW’s DTM comeback in 2012, may be a newcomer to the series – but its members are by no means lacking experience. The team’s great strengths are its individual know-how and the precise way in which it uses each member’s skills.

“The crew comes from all areas of professional motor racing,” Reinhold explains. “From GT racing and the World Rally Championship, as well as DTM and Formula One. Almost all the team members have experience gained in several fields of motorsport. They are used to working at the highest level. Clear communication and the optimal use of experience and resources, as well as uncompromising commitment, are fundamental attributes of the team. Our greatest asset is definitely the people in our team.”

The team structure started with a blank sheet of paper. Reinhold took the time to analyse the individual strengths of his crew and used this as a basis to assemble his team step by step. By the start of 2012, 25 engineers and technicians will be involved in the DTM project.

Reinhold himself has Formula One and GT racing experience to his name and has been toying with the idea of launching his own racing team for a long time. When BMW announced its return to DTM this idea took shape and work began on the conception. “In late summer 2010 we started with the concrete planning and then applied to BMW with our concept in the autumn,” Reinhold recalls. “The fact that we won BMW Motorsport over with our concept is the perfect reward for the hard work we put in during this phase.”

The team has moved into headquarters in Niederzissen. The proximity to the Nürburgring is not the only reason for motor racing being omnipresent on the team’s premises, as its former tenant was also a prominent name in motorsport: the Zakspeed team previously operated from this site and has now rented the facilities out to Reinhold.

Over the coming months, Reinhold and his team will work at full speed on the team structure in order to be ready for the first test drive with the BMW M3 DTM. “Everything from the washers to the semi-trailer will be new in our team,” says Reinhold. “However, I do not by any means see this as a disadvantage. We are very keen to take on the established DTM teams and, along with our partner BMW, to be competitive as soon as possible.

First Drive: 2012 Mercedes-Benz SLK-Class

We usually see women behind the wheel of the Mercedes-Benz SLK-Class. Who can blame them? It’s a cute little car. The original SLK debuted in 1996 with a four-cylinder powerplant and all of 136 ponies. What it lacked in the motivation department it made up for with its Vario-roof retractable hardtop. Not since the 1957 Ford Skyliner could a car stop so much traffic while parked.

The SLK gained some testosterone with its first facelift in 2000. While the exterior was still rather tame, the chick car jokes ceased in 2001 with the introduction of the 354-horsepower SLK 32 AMG.

Things continued to get better with the all-new 2004 edition and its sleeker styling that paid homage to Mercedes’ Formula One designs and the beastly McMerc SLR. The reality that AMG could stuff its hand-built 5.4-liter V8 under the hood made the second-generation SLK a serious performance car.

For 2012, the SLK officially begins its third generation, and you can see the difference from 100 yards. Especially from the front view, the roadster looks more mature and substantial. The split-grill design reconstitutes the 190 SL’s design from the late 1950s in a handsome, modern manner. The bolder aesthetics continue in the rear, which features large arches over the rear wheels and LED taillamps. And it keeps getting better on the inside…

Inside, the modernized retro theme continues, with our SLK350 tester’s circular vent outlets ported through the handsomely contoured dash covered in hand-stitched Nappa leather (like the SLS AMG). Round analog gauges flank a center digital display in the main binnacle, while a bright, seven-inch LCD handles navigation as well as manipulating the climate control and infotainment systems.

While the interior and exterior are mostly new, from an engineering standpoint, the third generation seems more like a Gen 2.5.5; a facelift of the 2008 facelift. The 2012 SLK rides on the same 95.7-inch wheelbase. It’s about an inch longer and an inch wider (overall width and track), and the tidy dimensions help this car stay true to what SLK stands for: Sportlich (sporty), Leicht (light) and Kompakt (compact).

2012 Mercedes-Benz SLK side view2012 Mercedes-Benz SLK front view2012 Mercedes-Benz SLK rear view

Engines are familiar to fans of the Three-Pointed Star. In the States, we will eventually get two of three available engines for the new SLK: the 1.8-liter turbocharged four-cylinder and the naturally-aspirated 3.5-liter V6. Four-cylinder models will be called the SLK250, while V6 models gets the SLK350 badge. For 2012, both engines gain direct fuel injection in a nod to efficiency. Horsepower, torque and preliminary estimated miles per gallon figures are 201, 229 pound-feet, and 23/31 for the 1.8-liter engine and 302, 273 lb-ft., and 20/29 for the uprated V6. On this trip, only the six-cylinder SLK350 was available for us to drive, as it will be the only model offered when the SLK goes on sale in June. The SLK250 is scheduled for availability in the U.S. later in the model year.

Both engines run their torque through an updated seven-speed automatic modified to accommodate a new fuel-saving start/stop functionality. Unfortunately, cars coming to the USA won’t be getting the latter feature – at least for the moment. That’s too bad, given where fuel prices are trending and the system’s relative smoothness. Mercedes-Benz engineers use the crankshaft position sensor to know which cylinder has stopped closest to the optimum position for re-starting the engine. The engine control module then re-fires that cylinder first, an action that helps smooth out and quicken the re-start event.

2012 Mercedes-Benz SLK engine

To prepare for our drive, we needed to store two large duffle bags and wondered how much room our SLK350’s trunk provided. Mercedes-Benz literature claims 6.4 cubic feet with the roof lowered and 10.1 cubes with the roof raised. Since we would soon be driving from sea level through the clouds to the observatory at Teide National Park, some 7,800 feet above the Atlantic in Spain’s canary Islands, the top would be down and up depending on the precipitation (or a lack thereof). The trunk easily swallowed two large backpacks and a camera case with the roof stowed. Nifty.

The SLK’s hallmark retractable hardtop comes in three varieties: solid steel panels, a tinted roof section or with Benz’s trick new Magic Sky Control electrochromatic roof section. The later roof’s trick is that the transparent panel can shift its tint from almost clear to heavily darkened.

The glass section is a glass-matrix polymer-glass sandwich in which nearly microscopic rectangular particles are suspended in carrier-type fluid. When a small electrical charge is put through the polymer layer, the particles obediently arrange themselves in a vertical orientation, letting light pass through mostly unencumbered. When the juice is cut via a switch on the windshield header, the particles rotate 45-degrees, blocking most of the light (and heat) attempting to pass through. The shift requires nary a second. (Geek Note: Magic Sky Control uses a similar principle to Delphi’s Magnetic Ride Control dampers that control the flow path of damper fluid.)

2012 Mercedes-Benz SLK trunk2012 Mercedes-Benz SLK side view2012 Mercedes-Benz SLK side view

When it came time to press the starter button and head for the observatory, temperatures were mild, and low clouds hung over our oceanfront starting point. With rain threatening, it neither felt nor looked like top-down driving weather, so the top stayed in place.

The imperfect roads on Tenerife presented a less-than-ideal surface that worked to shake and rattle the SLK. It accomplished neither. The roadster easily absorbed the punishment with the aplomb of a true fixed-roof coupe. Interior noise levels (engine, road and wind) were well subdued, and the exhaust note of the V6 sounded sportier than the same mill in the C-Class sedan. No surprise there, but still a welcome discovery.

2012 Mercedes-Benz SLK interior2012 Mercedes-Benz SLK seats2012 Mercedes-Benz SLK gauges2012 Mercedes-Benz SLK navigation system

Short-wheelbase cars can feel skittish, but the SLK simply doesn’t. Even at full throttle with every foot-pound of torque twisting the rear half shafts, the SLK350 felt unshakable and secure.

As we left the island’s primary roads for the twisties ascending the extinct volcano’s walls to the observatory, the SLK’s locked-down feeling continued. Our route took us into the clouds that were heavy with moisture and the narrow roads turned slick. It seemed that the entire ride up the mountain was a Falling Rock Zone, and plenty of rocks littered the asphalt – like we needed more excitement.

Even running uphill, the 302-hp six-cylinder had plenty of power in reserve. Thinking that leaving the electronic stability control in the ‘On’ position was a good idea, we’d often feel it working to keep the SLK in line. As expected, it immediately curbed any oversteer, but did so in a way that wasn’t retaliatory – it simply chided for being overexuberant.

2012 Mercedes-Benz SLK driving

What was unexpected was the so-called torque-vectoring function of the Electronic Stability Control. When diving into a corner under braking, we’re trained to expect a certain amount understeer – particular from Mercedes. The SLK senses the understeer and helps to mitigate it by adding a measured amount of braking to the inside rear wheel, helping to increase the car’s yaw rate and make it rotate more easily.

We’ll have to wait for the AMG-tuned version of the SLK to arrive before this chassis can be completely exploited, but indications are good thus far. Unfortunately, the ESC on the SLK350 cannot be completely disabled. When the dash switch is toggled off, the tires will spin to aid acceleration on snow or through mud, but any yaw immediately triggers a throttle intervention. When the AMG version arrives, expect an option to completely shut down the ESC.

2012 Mercedes-Benz SLK driving2012 Mercedes-Benz SLK driving

Even with ESC on, the SLK remained a remarkably fun steer. The traditional hydraulic rack-and-pinion box had a natural on-center feel. Rolling off of center, starting at about 5 degrees, the box cranks the wheels with a constant ratio. At 100 degrees of steering angle – just beyond a quarter turn and just before your arms get crossed up – the ratio increases and the wheels turn more quickly. This is a huge help on roads that twist enough that you spend as much time looking out the side glass as the windshield. On the roads of Tenerife, we rarely had to shuffle the wheel or get our arms completely crossed-up.

Somewhere north of 6,000 feet we broke through the clouds and the top went down. It was chilly enough for us to turn on the Airscarf, a feature that blows warm air on your neck. We also put up the Airguide windstop. With the heater cranked up, we remained warm in the cabin, and buffeting was kept to a minimum.

2012 Mercedes-Benz SLK rear 3/4 view

After shooting some photos, we headed back down the mountain. This strained the brakes, as evidenced by the soft pedal and burning odor. However, the Continental SportContact5 tires (225/40R18 front and 245/35/R18 rear) – known for their ability to shed speed with authority – never faltered. The average SLK driver probably isn’t going to give their drop-top the same workout, so for daily duty, the standard stoppers should do nicely.

In all, the 2012 SLK’s driving experience was a good one. It did, however, leave us wondering about a few things. First, we’re looking forward to some time behind the wheel of the lighter SLK250. The tonnage is down by more than 100 pounds and weight distribution should be closer to 50/50. The SLK350’s smaller-engined sibling could end up being the better of the two offerings – that is, until the V8 AMG model enters the mix. We’ll let you know as soon as we get the chance to try them out.

[Source: autoblog]


Até o ano passado, a ignorância da publicidade produzia um efeito interessante na televisão brasileira: no intervalo comercial, Felipe Massa vendia (ainda que sem muito entusiasmo) os pneus Bridgestone para os compatriotas consumidores. Mas, durante a transmissão, a imprensa e o próprio piloto culpavam, pelos maus resultados em pista, justamente... os pneus!

O raciocínio era que os compostos, únicos para todo o grid, desfavoreciam o estilo de pilotagem de Massa, ao passo que se adaptavam melhor à maneira de Fernando Alonso guiar - explicando, assim, a diferença de rendimento entre os dois.

Naturalmente, uma onda de otimismo assolou a nação com a notícia da troca de fornecedores. Principalmente após os primeiros testes com os Pirelli, logo após o GP de Abu Dhabi, em que Felipe relatou se sentir muito mais á vontade usando os novos pneus. Era a salvação.

Ainda é cedo para dizer se a mudança para a Pirelli beneficiou o brasileiro ou não. O fato é que o crédito pela pífia nona posição (que virou sétima, graças à desclassificação das Sauber) de Massa em Melbourne, semana passada, recaiu, vejam só, no desgaste excessivo dos pneus.

Com os Bridgestone, o problema costumava residir nas peças dianteiras. Desta vez, foram os traseiros que não mantiveram o desempenho até o fim e obrigaram o piloto a fazer mais um pit. Ao menos Massa ainda não tenta vender os Pirelli de rua em pleno horário nobre.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Brief history of Mobile Phones and the current era of Smart phones

Mobile phones have almost become an integral part of everyone’s life and have become indispensable. The use of mobile phones has almost become inevitable and their existence has slowly changed from a luxury to a basic need. The technology advancement in the mobile phones is quite phenomenal and to have an idea on that we need to traverse back 40 to 50 years where 1st generation of mobiles came in to existence. Around 1990’s the second generation of mobiles with digital networks made their existence and SMS the text messaging service was started in this era. Then came 3G where high speed data networks are used and finally we are in to the fourth generation of mobiles called 4G. The main advantage of using 4G mobiles is the elimination of circuit switching.

Mobile phones are slowly being replaced by Smart phones and thanks to Nokia Communicator the Father of all Smart phones. Well HTC is a stiff competitor for other companies and looks like they will soon become the World’s no1 leader in Smart phones. The HTC mobiles in India that are ruling the roast are HTC WildFire, HTC Desire , HTC Incredible.

Consumermate site has launched separate tab htc india which unravels all the best models that are available in the store. This brand phones with Android OS is the best combo that someone can bet on. These gsm mobile along with their intuitive touch screen is a must have. Friends based on your available budget be smart enough and select the best smart phone available in the market. Welcome to the world of smart phones !!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Fiat tira de linha o Siena Attractive

Attractive 1.0 e 1.4 saem de linha no catálogo do Siena
Sem muita mudança, a Fiat tirou de linha algumas versões da linha Siena. Em seu site, a montadora tirou de linha as versões Attractive 1.0 e Attractive 1.4 da ferramenta "Monte o Seu Fiat".

Agora, o Siena é vendido nas versões EL (1.0 e 1.4), Essence (1.6 e.TorQ e 1.6 e.TorQ Dualogic) e o Sporting (1.6 16V e.TorQ e 1.6 16V e.TorQ Dualogic). Em fevereiro, a Fiat vendeu 10.163 unidades do Siena, emplacando 16.845 veículos vendidos até março de 2011.
Apenas as configurações Sporting, Essence e EL estão em linha pelo Siena

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Vauxhall Monaro VXR8

What is  Vauxhall Monaro is A new generation of high Aussie V8 "shock wave" saloon-style front grille and LED daytime running lights.Vauxhall Monaro VXR8

Technical highlights

We finally found the Magnetic Ride Control shock absorbers in the United Kingdom. These impacts, as Ferrari and Audi uses a fluid containing iron particles and can be firm or loose in the flick of a switch.

What kind of drive? Vauxhall Monaro VXR8

For the first time in Britain, VXR8 automatic transmission is available. It is a paddle or arguments very fast transition times of the normal torque converter, but it works well. When you turn the gear shift in manual mode selector is pleasantly intuitive to press down and pull out a back up. However, the performance of Auto-screen does not show a slightly blurred compared to the hands, so we must continue to insist that choice.
Read more »

Carros de História: Smart Fortwo

Este é o pequeno Smart Fortwo, conhecido por todos pelo seu tamanho.

É o carro mais conhecido por todos, tirando Ferrari e Fusca

A primeira geração teve um design bem ousado
O Fortwo é o carro principal da Smart, lançado em 1998 como um Cupê para Cidades. O nome Fortwo foi introduzido para este carro por que o Fortwo tem dois assentos e, Fortwo na verdade é for two em inglês, o que significa para dois em português.

O Conceito

O Smart "Micro Compact Car" foi projetado principalmente para uso urbano nas cidades europeias, onde o estacionamento é escasso e a economia de combustível é de grande importância. O comprimento do Smart Fortwo, de apenas 250 cm permite que até três dos veículos podem ser estacionados no mesmo espaço, normalmente tomadas por um carro de tamanho padrão.

Proporcionar a segurança dos passageiros adequado foi um desafio para os projetistas. Para resolver este e fornecer uma estrutura rígida, um sólido de aço "Tridion" deixou visível no exterior como um elemento de design importante, e define o formato básico do carro também. Intercambiáveis ​​painéis de carroçaria de plástico completam o exterior. Com um peso de 730 kg, é um dos carros mais leves do mercado europeu.

A fim de aproveitar ao máximo da zona de deformação mínimo na frente, o Smart Fortwo tem seu motor posicionado na traseira do veículo.

A gama de motores é composta por apenas três motores. Originalmente, o motor a gasolina tinha 599 cilindradas, mas o deslocamento foi aumentado para 698 cc, juntamente com o restyling. Ele está disponível em 37 kW ou 45 kW variantes. O motor turbodiesel tem 799 cc, com 30 kW. Os motores são montados no porta-malas do veículo.

2005 foi o grande ano de mudanças no Fortwo. Ele recebeu a versão cupê e, também um facelift.A traseira continuou com os três faróis traseiros em cada lado e, na dianteira, recebeu um facelift nos faróis e, ao invés de na tampa do motor estar escrito "smart", mudou e, ficou com o emblema "oval deitado" da Smart.
Em 2006 foi lançada a versão "red edition" o Smart. Olhe na foto abaixo que você descobrirá o que é vermelho.
Antes do modelo sucessor do fortwo ficar disponível na Primavera de 2007, o Fortwo red edition foi oferecido para venda como modelo final para marcar o fim do modelo atual. O esportivo de dois lugares foi exibido no Salão de Paris de 2006.

O modelo atual do Fortwo já é tão bom quanto foi vendido para fora e ele conseguiu o status de culto dentro de um espaço muito curto de tempo. Produção devido à alta demanda, em Hambach, França, foi aumentado mais uma vez no início de 2007. Mais de 750 mil veículos foram entregues aos clientes desde o lançamento no mercado em Outubro de 1998.

edição vermelha do Smart é tão alegre quanto parece: o motor Brabus tem uma potência de 75 cv. Rodas de liga leve 16 polegadas, um spoiler dianteiro e sporty silencioso traseiro de acentuar o aspecto desportivo. E como o nome diz, a célula de segurança Tridion e bodypanels são pintados em vermelho "sangue".

Couro e Alcântara, com costuras elaboradas dominam o interior do smart fortwo R.E. Componentes de contraste especial em "vermelho intenso" e pedais de alumínio ao olhar exclusivo. Ar-condicionado e um sistema de áudio com uma interface de MP3 fazem também parte do pacote. O edição vermelha do Fortwo estava disponível como coupé ou cabrio e os custos de € 20.995 (Coupé) e € 23.695 (Cabrio) respectivamente.

O antecessor (azul) e seu sucessor (vermelho).

Leves mudanças no farol dianteiro e no formato das portas.

O carro continuou com seus 2,50 de comprimento.
Para ir direto ao ponto: o novo Smart podia fazer tudo que o antecessor podia fazer - mas ainda melhor. Isso significa que o novo Fortwo é ainda mais confortável, mais ágil, ainda mais seguro e mais ecológico do que seu antecessor.

A engrenagem funcionando e por dentro mudou ligeiramente e, maior ficou o smart fortwo, ainda mais confortável. A segurança ativa e passiva foram melhorados. A nova unidade de engenharia previa ainda mais agilidade e prazer de condução e também torna o novo smart fortwo ainda mais ecológico.

O projeto foi habilmente desenvolvido e ao novo smart fortwo uma aparência fresca, e mais masculino. E ainda assim, mantém o seu carácter inconfundível: você sempre pode contar um smart fortwo, à primeira vista - pelo seu impressionante celular Tridion que é também uma das principais características de segurança, e pelo plástico "bodypanels" inovador, que são extremamente práticos para o negócio.

Motor: poderoso, limpo e econômico

O novo smart fortwo foi lançado em abril de 2007, com motores a gasolina. O motor de três cilindros tem capacidade de um litro e oferece 61 cv, 71 cv ou 84 cv. A potência do motor do smart fortwo CDi aumentou 10% e agora está em 45 cv.

Todos os motores estão associados a uma transmissão manual automatizada de cinco velocidades de Getrag que também foi reestruturada. As versões a gasolina têm agora uma velocidade máxima de 145 km/h - 10 km/h mais do que o antecessor.

Em 2009, a Smart mostrou o Fortwo EV Concept

Inteligente é o produtor de um dos carros mais econômico e ecológico do mundo: o smart fortwo. A marca leva vantagens por meio de tecnologias alternativas para desenvolver ainda mais veículos ecologicamente amigável. O smart fortwo Electric Drive demonstra o pioneirismo da marca de carros novos. Como um carro elétrico é livre de emissões, e altamente eficiente. Ela representa a sustentabilidade em seu mais alto nível. O protótipo do sucessor do smart fortwo electric drive foio apresentado nos EUA pela primeira vez durante o NAIAS Autoshow 2009 (Detroit). No final de 2009, a Smart começou a produção do smart fortwo elétrico com bateria de lítio-íon. A empresa está explorando oportunidades para o mercado dos Estados Unidos.

Tecnologia da bateria de íon/lítio

O smart fortwo Electric Drive foi equipado com uma bateria de lítio/íon. A tecnologia de lítio/íon possui vantagens decisivas sobre outros tipos de baterias, incluindo as suas dimensões compactas, de alta performance, menor tempo de carregamento e uma maior confiabilidade.

Projeto Piloto (Londres)

Em 2007, A Smart começou o Projeto-Piloto em Londres, na Inglaterra, para testar o smart fortwo com tração elétrica. Foram alugados 100 smarts elétricos da série anterior para ganhar experiência no mundo real e determinar a sustentabilidade a longo prazo da tecnologia. O projeto tem provado ser muito bem sucedido com os clientes dando um feedback muito encorajador. Além disso, as autoridades inglesas recompensaram a Smart pelo compromisso isentando os condutores de veículos smart elétrico da taxa de congestionamento de Londres.

Em 2010, foi lançado o Fortwo electric drive. Um protótipo elétrico da próxima geração do Smart
A partir de novembro 2009, o novo smart fortwo com acionamento elétrico ia sair de linha na fábrica da Smart em Hambach, França. Ao contrário de seu antecessor, o fortwo elétricamente da segunda geração é equipado com uma bateria de lítio/íon inovador e altamente eficiente. Está localizado em uma posição de economia de espaço entre os eixos, o que significa que o espaço não é comprometido de nenhuma forma no Smart de dois lugares. Um motor elétrico de 30 kW é montado na traseira. Isto fornece uma boa aceleração e agilidade alta, com 120 mkgf de torque, que estão disponíveis imediatamente. O smart fortwo electric drive pode ser carregado em qualquer tomada caseira normal. Na Alemanha, uma carga completa custa cerca de dois euros e é suficiente para uma autonomia de cerca de 115 km - mais do que suficiente para o tráfego da cidade. A smart fez ao acionamento elétrico uma alternativa prática para a mobilidade de emissões zero nas áreas urbanas. O novo smart fortwo elétrico está inicialmente sendo alugado a clientes em Berlim e outras cidades na Europa e nos EUA que serão sujeitos a tendências do ambiente de teste do mundo real intensiva em condições duras de todos os dias. A partir de 2012 estará disponível a qualquer pessoa interessada.
Ambiental facilidade e funcionalidade contemporânea foram características marcantes do smart fortwo, desde que foi lançada há quase 13 anos atrás. Desde então, seu conceito inovador tem sido sustentável para o futuro das tecnologias de mobilidade urbana individual. Com uma extensão de pouco mais de dois 2,50 m do veículo compacto também pode estacionar perpendicularmente ao fluxo de tráfego. Além disso, a economia de espaço e ambiente de dois lugares tem atualmente o menor consumo de frota e traz os seus ocupantes para o seu destino com conforto e segurança. Seu design é fresco, jovem, moderno e sofisticado e ainda tornou um ícone de estilo de vida automotivo, que mostra que a mobilidade, a responsabilidade com o ambiente e o jeito de viver são compatíveis uns com os outros. O smart fortwo criou uma classe própria.

No final de 2010, foi lançada a terceira eração do Fortwo.
Design mais esportivo e masculino.
O carro está disponível nas versões cupê e cabriolet.
A nova geração do smart fortwo doi lançada no Outono de 2010 com um novo olhar interior, um exterior atualizado e até mesmo motores mais ecológicos. A gama de cores disponíveis para o exterior agora inclui um acabamento mate na moda. Além disso, a célula de segurança Tridion está opcionalmente disponível em branco e as novas cores vermelho e azul expandiram a escolha de cores disponíveis para o Fortwo Cabrio. Luzes LED de condução diurna e rodas de liga novas oferecerem ainda mais oportunidades para a personalização. Tecidos frescos e cores e um design novo determinam o ambiente interior de alta qualidade. Os sistemas de comunicação e entretenimento são características de tecnologia de ponta. Os veículos são movidos por motores movidos a gasolina que foram aperfeiçoadas com os 45 kW e 52 versões que emitem menos de 100 g / km de CO2 - um novo marco. A Smart está comemorando a chegada da nova geração, com um modelo limitado de boas-vindas ostentando equipamentos de alta classe.

A nova geração do Fortwo tem dois lugares inovadores e é ainda mais atrativo e ambientalmente amigável. Marc Langenbrinck, Diretor de Manuseamento da Smart diz: "Nós continuamos a trabalhar arduamente para tornar os nossos modelos Smart ainda melhor e mais desejável em todos os aspectos. A nova geração do smart fortwo é perfeito para o nosso tempo. Ele é atraente e tem estilo. Dispõe também materiais de qualidade, atenção aos detalhes visíveis, ainda mais conforto e funcionalidade avançada. E não se esqueça que os motoristas Smart têm muitas vezes uma maneira não convencional de pensar e buscar alternativas. A nova geração do smart fortwo com sua vasta gama de motores e oportunidades de personalização atende às suas necessidades".